Anima Aliena
16.04.2018 – 16.05.2018
Press release
April 12, 3028, Monday.
‘This is the captain of the ship "Vikhr". Our ship continues moving along the trajectory C-7DF, passing from the planet AG-9 to the border of the galaxy UDFj-39546284. Samples of biomass from the planet AG-9, began to show signs of life and intelligence. Two white species have moved for 5 mm during last 36 hours (terrestrial time). Some of the organisms began to emit a fluorescent substance. Scientific appliances recorded respiratory processes. Neural impulses, which are observed in all samples indicate that Anima Aliena (this is how Dr. M, head of the research division of the crew, named it) is not just the organism, which has the properties of plants and animals, but an intelligent creature, endowed with consciousness and memory. M. suggested, that Anima Aliena may possess intelligence comparable to the human’s. He also noted, that the samples had many similarities with the remains of organisms found on Earth in 3013 after a heavy meteor shower'.
(Transcript of the latest flight logbook from the ship "Vikhr", which was found drifting in the direction of the galaxy UDFj-39546284 in 3028 by terrestrial chronology).
Media partner 'Iskusstvo' Magazine.