Daria Kotlyarova 'Golden Circle'
08.06.2017 - 05.07.2017
Press release
Daria Kotlyarova
Golden Circle
08.06.2017 - 05.07.2017
Daria Kotlyarova works in the genre of easel painting. Born in Moscow, in the family of academic artists, she graduated from the Tomsky Moscow academic Lyceum of Russian Academy of Arts. After that, she studied at the Department of easel painting in the V. Surikov Moscow State Art Institute.
Daria’s works represent the search for fusion between realistic art language and convention of artistic image. Allegorical stories and encrypted statements has always attracted the artist. Daria has won the I prize contest of young artists named. P. M. Tretyakov (2006), she has been awarded the silver medal of the Russian Academy of arts (2014).
Kotlyarova’s works are in the collections of the Museum of Russian art TMORA (USA, Minneapolis), State art Museum of Kaluga, in private collections in Russia, Italy, the USA, France, Serbia and Croatia. Daria has participated in numerous exhibitions in The Central House of Artists, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow International Biennale for Young Art, The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia, Want Art Gallery (NY).
A totem becomes the main theme of the exhibition "Golden circle" in Askeri Gallery. The concept of the totem emerged in the late eighteenth century. It represents the sign, the emblem of the tribe and the animal, which is the subject of cult and the defender of the tribe. Floral ornaments with animals, created by Daria Kotlyarova, draw the attention of the modern viewer on the aesthetics of ancient cults. Characters of the "Golden circle" paintings tell their stories, acquiring the symbolism of the talismans.
Visit by appointment: +7 499 518 03 44
Askeri Gallery
Moscow, St. Povarskaya, 31/29.
Phone: +7 (499) 518 03 44
Email: info@askerigallery.com